- Janus Carbostent fra AlviMedica
- Janus Flex Carbostent fra AlviMedica
- JJ kateter, klassisk udegave, nonmagnetisk (uden eller med røntgenmarkør)
- JJ kateter, ukendt fabrikat og model
- JJ kateter fra UroTech, Magnetic Black Star
- Johlin Pancreatic Stent, Cook Medical
- Johlin Wedge Stent, Pancreatic Stent, Cook Medical
- Johnson and Johnson, Echelon Cirkular Powered Stapler, Echicon
- Johnson and Johnson, ECHELON FLEX ENDOPATH Staplers, Ethicon
Johnson and Johnson, Endopath 45, Ethicon
Johnson and Johnson, Endopath 60, Ethicon
- Johnson and Johnson, TECNIS 1-Piece IOL
- Johnson and Johnson, TECNIS EyhanceTM IOL
- Johnson and Johnson, TECNIS Eyhance TORIC II IOL (hydrophobic acrylic)
- Johnson and Johnson, TECNIS Monofocal 1 - Piece IOL
- Johnson and Johnson, TECNIS Synergy Toric II IOL (hydrophobic acrylic)
- Johnson and Johnson, TECNIS Toric II IOL (hydrophobic acrylic)
- JuggerKnot Soft Anchor, BIOMET, Zimmer Biomet