- Incus Bridge Prosthesis fra Kurz
- Indre øre
- Indre øre, cochlea implantater, oversigt
- Indre øre, cochlea implantater, fra Advanced Bionics
- Indre øre, cochlea implantater, fra Cochlear
- Indre øre, cochlea implantater, fra MED EL
- Indre øre, stapesprotese - Generelt
- Indre øre, stapesprotese fra Kurz
- Indre øre, stapesprotese fra Olympus
- Indre øre, tympanoplastik fra Kurz
- Indre øre, ventilationstube (indre øre) fra Kurz, Unsafe
- Indre øre, ventilationstube (indre øre) fra Kurz, Conditional
- Indre øre, øreknogleimplantat, generelt
- Indre øre, øreknogleimplantat, malleus
- Indre øre, øreknogleimplantat, stapes
- Indre øre, øreknogleimplantat, stapesprotese fra Kurz 1
- Indre øre, øreknogleimplantat, stapesprotese fra Kurz 2
- Indre øre, øreknogleimplantat, stapesprotese fra Olympus
- Inferior vena cava filter
- Infusionspumpe, Codman 3000, Johnson and Johnson
- Infusionspumpe, insulin
- Infusionspumpe, IP2000V, Tricumed
- Infusionspumpe (kemo) + Port-A-Cath + Gripper
- Infusionspumpe, Prometra 20 ml, Model 11827, Flowonix Medical
- Infusionspumpe, Prometra II 20 ml, Model 13827, Flowonix Medical
- Infusionspumpe, Prometra II 40 ml, Model 16827, Flowonix Medical
- Infusionspumpe, Tricumed, IP1000V
- Infusionspumpe, Tricumed, Lenus Pro
- Infusionspumpe, Tricumed, Siromedes
- Innova Vascular Self-Expanding Stent System fra Boston Scientific
- InPeria carbostent fra AlviMedica
- Inspire MD, C-Guard EPS stent
- Inspiris Resilia Aortic valve fra Edwards
- Insulinpumpe
- Insulet, OmniPod System, PDM
- Insulet, OmniPod System, Pod
- Integra, Codman Hakim EXACT-FLO Valve, Integra LifeSciences Corporation
- Integra, Codman, Ventriculostomy Reservoir Set, stainless steel
- Integra, Codman, Ventriculostomy Reservoir Set, nylon og silicone
- Integra, CSF Reservoir, Accu-Flo Burr Hole Reservoirs
- Integra, CSF Reservoir, Accu-Flo CSF Reservoirs
- Integra, CSF Reservoir, Accu-Flo Reservoirs
- Integra, CSF Reservoir, Accu-Flo Single Dome Flat Bottom Reservoirs
- Integra, CSF Reservoir, Burr Hole Reservoir, Integra
- Integra, CSF Reservoir, Convertible Integra CSF Reservoirs, Integra
- Integra, CSF Reservoir, Flat-Bottom reservoir, Integra
- Integra, CSF Reservoir, Holter Rickham Ventriculostomy Reservoirs, Integra
- Integra, CSF Reservoir, Holter Salmon-Rikham Ventriculostomy, Integra
- Integra, CSF Reservoir, Holter Selker Ventriculostomy Reservoirs, Integra
- Integra, CSF Reservoir, Model 999301
- Integra, CSF Reservoir, Rickham Style Reservoirs, Integra
- Integra, CSF Reservoir with right angle Ventricular Catheter
- Integra, CSF Reservoir with straight Ventricular Catheter
- Integra, Holter Ventricular Catheter Reservoir (LeRoy design)
- Integra, IM2EU, craniebolt
- Integra, IM2EU, craniebolt
- Integra, Licox, Brain Tissue Oxygen Monitoring System
- Integra, NPH Valve System
- Integra, OSV II
- Integra, OSV II Low Flow Lumbar
- Integra, OSV II Low Pro Valve System, Integra NeuroScience
- Integra, OSV II Lumbar Valve System
- Integra, OSV II Pro Valve System, Integra NeuroScience
- Integra, OSV II Profile Valve System, Integra NeuroScience
- Integra, OSV II Smart Valve, Integra NeuroScience
- Integra, OSV II Valve
- Integra, OSV II Valve Unit, Low Pro, Model 909700P
- Integra, OSV II Valve Unit, Regular w/antechamber, Model 909700
- Integra, OSV II Valve Unit, Regular, w/o Antechamb, Model 909701
- Integra, Ommaya Reservoir, Integra CSF Reservoirs, 826100 and 826101
- Integra, Ommaya Reservoir, Standard Integra CSF Reservoirs, NL8501210
- Integra, CSF Reservoir, Side Inlet Integra CSF Reservoirs, Integra
- Integra, Standard Integra CSF Reservoir
- Integrity BMS OTW, Medtronic
- Integrity BMS RX, Medtronic
- Integrity OTW Coronary Stent System, Bare Metal Coronary Stent, Medtronic
- Integrity Rapid Exchange Coronary Stent System, Medtronic
- Integrity RX Coronary Stent System, Bare Metal Coronary Stent, Medtronic
- Integrity Stent System, Medtronic
- Internal Brace-implantatsystem, Arthrex
- Interstim, model 3023 + InterStim-wire (alle modeller)
InterStim II, model 3058 + SureScan-wire, model 978B1
InterStim II, model 3058 + InterStim-wire (alle modeller)
InterStim Micro SureScan, model 97810 + SureScan-wire, model 978A1
InterStim Twin, Model 7427T
- InterStim X System, Model 97800 + InterStim-wire (alle modeller), Medtronic
- InterStim X System, Model 97800 + SureScan-wire, model 978B1, Medtronic
- Intracraniel stent
- Intercraniel stent, ukendt fabrikat
- Intercraniel oxygenmåling - Integra, Licox
- Intergard Woven,Woven Vascular Grafts, Maquet, Getinge Group
- Intracraniel trykmåling - Codman, MicroSensor
- Intracraniel trykmåling - Hanskrue til drænfiksation - Integra IM2EU
- Intracraniel trykmåling - Reumedic Neurovent
- INTUITY Aortic valve, Edwards
INTUITY Elite Aortic valve, Edwards
- Invivo, Ekg-elektrode, Quadtrode
- ION Paclitaxel Eluting Platinum Chromium Coronary Stent System, Boston Scientific
- i-Port Advance Injection Port, Medtronic
- iPro2 med Enlite-sensor, Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM), Medtronic
- iPro2 med SOF-sensor, Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM), Medtronic
- IP1000V. Tricumed, Infusionspumpe
- IP2000V, Tricumed, Infusionspumpe
- ISJ, Olympus
- IsoMed Model 8472, Medicinpumpe, Medtronic
- Isthmus Iliac Stent Systemn fra AlviMedica
- Itrel 3, Pain Stimulator
- Itrel 4, Pain Stimulator
- IUD, Kyleena fra Bayer
- IVC filter, Boston Scientific, Greenfield Stainless Steel Vena Cava filter
- IVC filter, Boston Scientific, Greenfield Titanium Vena Cava filter
- IVC filter, LG Medical, VenaTech Vena cava LGM Filter
- IVC filter, LG Medical, VenaTech Vena cava LP Filter
- iVena Vascular Patches, Getinge, Maquet, Atrium Medical